This kiwi apple green smoothie is beautiful and light - perfect for getting back to "clean" eating!

I don't know about you, but I find that this time of year (or any time of year for that matter), it can be easy to get caught up in eating lots of treats and special foods that come along with the season. But sometimes you just need to take a break from eating too many of those"treat" foods and get back to some good ol' healthy clean eating that will help you get back to feeling great and keep on track with health goals. And a recipe like this one is just the thing! :)
When I think of eating "clean" the first things that come to mind are making sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, drink lots of water, and get great sources of lean protein, healthy fat, and whole grains. Green smoothies are one of my favorite ways to eat more fruits and veggies because it just doesn't get much easier than tossing a bunch of healthy stuff into the blender and then drinking it. And personally, I love combining vegetables with fruit to create a nice balance of sweetness to go along with those not-so-sweet veggies.

This smoothie is simple and so delicious. I really enjoy green smoothies, and drink them on a very regular basis because for me, starting the day with one of these smoothies or having one as an afternoon pick-me-up is a really powerful source of natural energy that leaves me feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. I love coffee, but don't love that mid-morning caffeine crash that comes with it. This smoothie gives the energy boost without that crash later (yay for that!).
And here's on of my time-saving trick for smoothies: I like to take the fruit and veggie ingredients for my smoothies and put them into individual freezer baggies and freeze several bags at once so that in the morning, all I have to do is take a bag out of the freezer, dump the contents into the blender, and add the liquid (and yogurt if using). It saves so much time!
I hope you enjoy this refreshing green smoothie, and be sure to check out my green-chia-lemon smoothie - it's another one of my favorite green smoothie recipes!

Kiwi Apple Green Smoothie
Makes 1 serving
- 1 cup baby spinach leaves
- 1 kiwi, peeled and roughly chopped
- 1 small apple, roughly chopped (about 1/2 cup)
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
- 1-2 teaspoons honey (optional)
- 1/2 cup water
- 3-4 ice cubes
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend at least one minute or until completely smooth.
Happy Eating!
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